Project Hero

To the Generations that came before us. You instilled in us moral values. You doctored us, and took care of us at the hospitals.You fought our big wars. You encourage and teach our children what is right and what is wrong. You encouraged us to be in church. You were blessed with a style of Gospel music that still touches souls today.

Approximately 76 million elderly (27 %), 60 and above live alone. Our Heroes. We search for those who have no-one. Living alone. Feeling lost, and forgotten. WE DON’T FORGET!

Adults 65 and older make up 12% of the population, they account for 18% of suicides. Some of the risk factors include loneliness, which is often attributed to loss of a spouse or partner and living far from family and friends.

Gospel music has been shown in studies to reduce depression and anxiety as well as anxiety about death.

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We bring you the Sacred Southern Gospel music you grew up with, then reach out to the elderly who are in need and have no family, to provide clothing, music cd‘s, personal care items, books, Christmas gifts and birthday gifts.

How We Accomplish our Goals and Objectives

  1. We go to the homebound, nursing homes, community centers and assisted living facilities and reach out to the elderly who are in need and have no family to provide clothing, household goods, personal care items, books and birthday/Christmas gifts for celebrating with them.
  2. We produce live Southern Gospel Concerts to bring this music to the older generations grew up with, to minister to their soul and peace of mind.
  3. We broadcast via social media and radio.
  4. We provide free gospel music cd’s to anyone who needs encouragement.
  5. We build community and cooperation among churches, charities, singing groups, soloists, and musicians to work together for a common goal to promote and preserve the greatest music in the world.
  6. We provide a place where all cultures and walks of life can come together and sit as equals and enjoy gospel concerts free of charge.
  7. We provide a place where the elderly can enjoy quality time with their families.
  8. We generate interest and increase growth in the number of gospel music fans by providing free concerts to the public.
  9. We provide a place where Christians can invite their non-Christian friends into a Christian atmosphere without the pressure of any kind of commitment.
  10. We provide a place where parents can enjoy family time together with their children, while shaping their morals and values.

PO Box 1 Hardinsburg KY 40143

Highway 62 Jubilee, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Public Charity ID # 88-2635592. Your Donations are tax deductible.

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