1.5 million older adults live in nursing homes and 1 million live in assisted living facilities. Approximately 76 million elderly (27 %), 60 and above live alone.

An article published online in The Gerontologist reports that among older Christians, listening to religious music is associated with a decrease in anxiety about death and increases in life satisfaction, self-esteem, and sense of control over their lives. Highway 62 Jubilee distributes copies of our live Southern Gospel concerts to the seniors who are homebound and in nursing homes. We focus on providing traditional gospel music food, clothing, household needs, and birthday/Christmas to the elderly who have no-one.
How We Accomplish our Goals and Objectives
- We reach out to the homebound, nursing homes, food pantries, community centers, churches and assisted living facilities in communities that our concerts and performing artists touch and live in, reaching out to the elderly providing clothing, household goods, books and food, music, birthday and holiday gifts to those who are in need and have no family.
- We broadcast via social media and radio to hundreds every week.
- We provide free gospel music cd’s to anyone who needs encouragement.
- We build community and cooperation among churches, charities, singing groups, soloists, and musicians to work together for a common goal to promote and preserve the greatest music in the world.
- We provide a place where all cultures and walks of life can come together and sit as equals and enjoy gospel concerts free of charge.
- We provide a place where the elderly can enjoy quality time with their families.
- We generate interest and increase growth in the number of gospel music fans by providing free concerts to the public.
- We provide a place where Christians can invite their non-Christian friends into a Christian atmosphere without the pressure of any kind of commitment.
- We provide a place where parents can enjoy family time together with their children, while shaping their morals and values.
PO Box 1 Hardinsburg KY 40143
Highway 62 Jubilee, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Public Charity ID # 88-2635592. Your Donations are tax deductible.