Gospel Music News Updates May 3rd, 2022
CD Distribution has started! We have just completed the first Gospel Music Audio CD Master from our live concert in February 2022. This is THE ENTIRE concert, music, laughs, boo-boo’s etc all included. Exceptional music with The Victorious Trio, Silas Eisenback AND The Noblemen.

These are just the first of many sets that we hand out to anyone. Do you want to make someone’s day? You can order (up to 2 at a time) for just the cost of shipping. Yes, we really don’t charge for the CD’s! Check them out here!
Congratulations are in order to Chloe Cheppard (Garry Sheppard’s daughter) on her marriage in April. Just couldn’t get Garry to come up and sing on that day!
As you may know, many who are involved with Highway 62 Jubilee also work many hours in other endeavors. Ralph has been out of state helping in Arkansas, Jeff will be heading out of country to the Phillipines for 2 weeks. I have a lot of catching up to do on post-production for the musical guests who have appeared in the show. We will NOT have a May 21st Concert. Taking a break to get everything get caught up. BACK ON JUNE 18th, with a new time of 6:30pm. Come when you can, leave when you want. PLUS! More audience Hymn Singing with everyone!
Send me some feedback on the time, if you would.
We are in process of setting up a Gospel Talent Contest in the month of November. We will be opening up entries in the following categories: Southern Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel and Country Gospel. This includes solo, duet, trio and groups. Do you know of a Gospel Artist or Groups? Let them know about this, we’ll have early sign up coming soon!
Don’t forget! Broadcasts are on every Thursday evening at 9pm (eastern), 8pm (central).
If you have NOT “Liked” our Facebook Page, do so now, and get notifications every Thursday about the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/hwy62jubilee
AND be sure to “Subscribe” to the Highway 62 Jubilee YouTube Channel. We’ll be re-broadcasting there as well. https://www.youtube.com/