Highway 62 News Updates Feb 24 2024

Highway 62 Jubilee Music News Updates February 24 2024

It is time to share the news and updates from the Highway 62 organization.

Last year (2023), we distributed over 430 birthday and Christmas Gifts. We raised over $2600.00 for gifts, travel expenses,etc. This included over $1300 raised at our 1st annual Homecoming Gospel Festival! As an added bonus, our good friends at Les Masters Bands reached out to help make the residents of an Ohio Nursing Home, who were basically all alone on Christmas. Project Hero was able to join in to make their Holiday one to remember!
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We ran out of room! Thanks to the many donations we received, we outgrew our small storage area, and had to upsize. We could still use 3- 5 tier 48″ shelves to get everything organized. Many unloaded boxes of gifts waiting to be distributed.
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I would personally like to thank each and every group, and all individual members of each group for the time and testimony they have brought to the Highway 62 Jubilee and shared with hundreds through our concerts. In 2024, we want to be in a better position to help financially, in order to continue to make the music available.
My final thought. 2023 was a big test of faith. We have yet to know why in April last year FaceBook shut us down with no explanation and no recourse. People who made commitments, disappeared with no answers as to why. That is something that God has taught me. He calls us to service. To use our gifts and talents for His Kingdom. We have to let the Lord lead. We have to listen to His guidance. We hear His Voice through the Bible, the Word of God. He warns us about pride, and sadly we see so many that if the ministry doesn’t fit into their perceived thoughts or dreams, then they just walk away if it isn’t a million dollar ministry. Myself, Highway 62 Jubilee and Project Hero 62 is here to serve, one soul at a time. To share the Gospel of Jesus. In our case, the specific mission remains the same: Harnessing the power of Gospel music, the Highway 62 Jubilee mission is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the elderly with clothing, books, music, food, birthday and holiday recognition while preserving the heritage of the gospel music a forgotten generation grew up with.

Have something you’d like to say to us? Send us an email, our contact page is https://highway62jubilee.org/email/And, my phone is always on for your call.
May God Bless You Always,

Ray Lawrence, Executive Director, ProducerHighway 62 Jubilee

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