Highway 62 Jubilee News and Updates August 2024

It’s Great To Be Back!
It is amazing what God can do when you take your hand off the doorknob and let Him open and close doors!
Three upcoming concerts and homecoming/revivals. I have three groups presenting their testimony and music in the next few weeks. Here’s the schedule:

Stones Crossing at Safe Harbor Christian Church, Sunday August 18 at 10:30am (Central). 2425 KY-144, Hawesville, KY 42348. (pictured above)
Open Heart Quartet at Dry Creek Baptist Homecoming Revival Thursday Sept 5 at 6:00pm (Eastern) 42 Dry Valley Church Lane, Irvington KY 40146
The Sinclairs Singing and Testimony at Dry Creek Baptist Homecoming Revival Saturday Sept 7 at 6pm (eastern)I am booking for Church’s, Festivals, Fairs and other events. If you have a group, and would like me to add you to our list of available musicians, click here. (https://highway62jubilee.org/sing-with-us/)

Finally, a quick word. I have some real expenses coming up for our Project Hero 62 Ministry. Storage for books, music CD’s, eBay Yard Sale items, birthday and Christmas gifts. Plus, web site monthly charges, as well as subscriptions for the mailer I am using here. It all adds up. would you help us? Every penny goes straight to the mission and ministry. Thank you! Donate: https://highway62jubilee.org/contribute/
That’s all for the moment. I’ll be writing more about the latest in how God has been moving in my life, and for this ministry. God Bless!

Yours in Christ,
Ray Lawrence
Founder, CEO Highway 62 Jubilee, Project Hero 62https://highway62jubilee.org/
Booking Clean Family & Gospel Entertainmenthttps://www.yourentertainmentpartner.com/

“The Highway 62 Jubilee mission is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the elderly with clothing, books, music, food, birthday and holiday recognition while preserving the heritage of the gospel music a forgotten generation grew up with.” “If you expect God to Open doors for you, take your hand off the doorknob”

Highway 62 Jubilee, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Public Charity. Your Donations are tax deductible.

Highway 62 News Updates Feb 24 2024

Highway 62 Jubilee Music News Updates February 24 2024

It is time to share the news and updates from the Highway 62 organization.

Last year (2023), we distributed over 430 birthday and Christmas Gifts. We raised over $2600.00 for gifts, travel expenses,etc. This included over $1300 raised at our 1st annual Homecoming Gospel Festival! As an added bonus, our good friends at Les Masters Bands reached out to help make the residents of an Ohio Nursing Home, who were basically all alone on Christmas. Project Hero was able to join in to make their Holiday one to remember!
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We ran out of room! Thanks to the many donations we received, we outgrew our small storage area, and had to upsize. We could still use 3- 5 tier 48″ shelves to get everything organized. Many unloaded boxes of gifts waiting to be distributed.
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I would personally like to thank each and every group, and all individual members of each group for the time and testimony they have brought to the Highway 62 Jubilee and shared with hundreds through our concerts. In 2024, we want to be in a better position to help financially, in order to continue to make the music available.
My final thought. 2023 was a big test of faith. We have yet to know why in April last year FaceBook shut us down with no explanation and no recourse. People who made commitments, disappeared with no answers as to why. That is something that God has taught me. He calls us to service. To use our gifts and talents for His Kingdom. We have to let the Lord lead. We have to listen to His guidance. We hear His Voice through the Bible, the Word of God. He warns us about pride, and sadly we see so many that if the ministry doesn’t fit into their perceived thoughts or dreams, then they just walk away if it isn’t a million dollar ministry. Myself, Highway 62 Jubilee and Project Hero 62 is here to serve, one soul at a time. To share the Gospel of Jesus. In our case, the specific mission remains the same: Harnessing the power of Gospel music, the Highway 62 Jubilee mission is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the elderly with clothing, books, music, food, birthday and holiday recognition while preserving the heritage of the gospel music a forgotten generation grew up with.

Have something you’d like to say to us? Send us an email, our contact page is https://highway62jubilee.org/email/And, my phone is always on for your call.
May God Bless You Always,

Ray Lawrence, Executive Director, ProducerHighway 62 Jubilee

Highway 62 News Updates Feb 14 2023

Highway 62 Jubilee Music News Updates February 14 2023

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you feel like you are pulled in all directions? Yes, me too. I’ve spent restless nights grappling with God. And then BOOM! This happens. On February 8th, a chapel service in Wilmore Kentucky has, and is, experiencing the quiet, reverent presence of God and the Holy Spirit. I’ve been to Wilmore. I know folks there. I encourage you to read about this revival that is spreading across many states, and to many colleges! (Read Here).

With that, it’s time to share the news and updates from the Highway 62 organization.

While we make plans and seek guidance for the 2023 season, we find the real calling is in serving others. Our audiences are of an older generation for the most part. Many of those want to be at the live concerts, but live alone, with no family to see to them. We have been blessed to have the resources available to us to reach out and meet needs for them. Clothing, books, music, birthday and holiday gifts, and more.

I have been led to approach this in a small way, and the door has been opened. On Wednesday March 15th, we will be at The Central KY Community Action Center during their monthly senior food pantry day. CAC is providing us with a list of March birthdays of seniors in their system. We will be sharing birthday gifts, books and Highway 62 Jubilee CD’s. After weeks of planning, this will be our first step getting out into the communities.

There’s more news, which I will send out in an email or two between now and Sunday. We kick off our End Of Winter fund raising, and are deep in planning our all day Outdoor Gospel Music Festival in May. Resuming broadcasts in March, which will also include some streaming messages from pastors around the area. Stay Tuned!

Have something you’d like to say to us? Send us an email, our contact page is https://highway62jubilee.org/email/And, my phone is always on for your call.
May God Bless You Always,

Ray LawrenceExecutive Director, ProducerHighway 62 Jubilee

News Updates November, 2022

Highway 62 Jubilee Music News Updates November 2nd, 2022

Hello again everyone! So much news, so much going on. I have to apologize for not getting everyone caught up lately. I’ve been preparing for a trip to Nashville to Vanderbilt Neuro Opthamology, which just got rescheduled yesterday. So I have a few moments to give the news!

Here’s another opportunity to make a difference! Teaming up with Bearno’s Pizza and the Childhood Cancer Family Fund, you’ll be helping the children at St. Judes Target House have a very special Christmas!

For details read https://highway62jubilee.org/santa-cause/

NEXT LIVE CONCERT: November 19 early matinee at 4:30pm, Maxwell’s House of Music, 1710 E 10th Street, Jeffersonville, In.
Read the details at https://highway62jubilee.org/nextup/

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Jeff, Mary and I could use some extra hands. How?
1. It would help Mary a lot if she had extra help with the concessions and coffee!
2. If you have any sound board experience, Jeff could use the extra help downstairs at the house soundboard.
3. Want to be a camera operator? We’ll teach you to assist with camera angles during our live concert recording!
4. And we can always use the help with load-in, load-out and store security!
If you have an interest, email us at https://highway62jubilee.org/email/

Friends, outside of the help we mentioned above, our financial needs grow. I ask God all the time how to even ask folks about this. If you could spare an extra 5 or 10 dollars a month, it all adds up to helping us meet our expenses. Could you? Would you prayerfully consider this?
Read how to help with tax deductible donations here: https://highway62jubilee.org/contribute/

If you have NOT “Liked” our Facebook Page, do so now, and get notifications every Tuesday about the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/hwy62jubilee

AND be sure to “Subscribe” to the Highway 62 Jubilee YouTube Channel. We’ll be re-broadcasting there as well. https://www.youtube.com/

I pray every day that we continue to fulfill the mission God has put here for us. And I ask God to bless you and keep you today!

News Updates June 1, 2022

Highway 62 Jubilee Music News Updates June 1, 2022

Well, it’s official! Brian and Misha from Blood Bought got married last week. Congratulations. They’ll be spending part of their honeymoon here at Highway 62 Jubilee Saturday June 18th. Come out and celebrate with us!

The June concert promises to be a lot of fun, and filled with the Spirit! Blood Bought will be joining us that evening. Plus, from Chapel Valley Studios in Nashville, The Edwards Family will be with us. June 18 at 6:30pm, Maxwell’s House of Music, 1710 E 10th Street, Jeffersonville, In.

Starting this Saturday, June 4th, Highway 62 will be on TV every weekend. Airing in Richmond, Indiana, WCTV Channel 21. Saturday 11:30pm, Sunday 7:30am, Sunday 3:30pm.

We are in process of setting up a Gospel Showcase Talent Contest in the month of November. We will be opening up entries in the following categories: Southern Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel and Country Gospel. This includes solo, duet, trio and groups. Do you know of a Gospel Artist or Groups? Click HERE for the pre-registration form!

Don’t forget! Broadcasts are on every Thursday evening at 9pm (eastern), 8pm (central).

If you have NOT “Liked” our Facebook Page, do so now, and get notifications every Thursday about the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/hwy62jubilee

AND be sure to “Subscribe” to the Highway 62 Jubilee YouTube Channel. We’ll be re-broadcasting there as well. https://www.youtube.com/

Press Release for June 18 Concert:

Celebrating our second year of Free Southern Gospel Concerts
An Evening of Gospel Singing

Jeffersonville, Indiana— May 26, 2022 — The Highway 62 Jubilee brings you an evening of three great regional Gospel Artists in concert to start our second year. Featured will be new Southern Gospel, Praise and Country Gospel Music.

On Stage June 18th will be The Edwards Family, a Southern Gospel Family Band that is with the Chapel Valley Studios (Nashville). The members of The Edwards Family have been singing, performing, and playing in sync as they have been together their entire musical careers. Throughout the course of the band’s union, they have won over the hearts of music lovers from all walks of life; performing at a variety of venues including DollyWood, Ogle Furniture @Gospel Music Jamboree, NQC showcase, GMFF, making loads of public appearances, all the while with God’s favor had the honor of receiving a Top# 40 Singing News Chart and a Top #80 Singing News Chart, along with both songs charting in Christian Voice and other various charts.

Joining the Edwards Family will be Blood Bought, a Southern/Country Gospel Band. Blood Bought is very popular for Homecomings, Festivals and Fairs, playing over 80 dates per year. Originated in 2004, the band consisted of one family of Mom,2 Sons, a second family of Dad and Son, and Uncle. They produced one CD project that includes 3 original songs, including “Love Is In The Blood”. After Uncle Ronnie Coy passed away, Blood Bought brought on a talented young man to play bass. This current group has produced two more CD’s that include 9 originals as well. They will be live studio recording two songs, “Love Is In The Blood” and “Leavin’ Here” for radio and streaming release that evening. We invite you to come be a part of it!

Admission is FREE to the concert, which is held at 6:30pm (eastern) at Maxwell’s House of Music in Jeffersonville Indiana. According to Ray Lawrence, founder and producer, “In the urban areas, the generations that have grown up with Southern Gospel Music are finding it more difficult to find this type of music performed live unless you occasionally hear it in a rural church. We bring that music back!

More information can be found at the website: https://highway62jubilee.org/


The live concert will be held on February 19th, 2022 at 6:30pm (eastern)/5:30pm (central).
Admission is FREE. Snacks and Sodas are FREE. Donation and offering for the groups are encouraged.
The venue is located at Maxwell’s House of Music, 1710 E. 10th Street, Jeffersonville Indiana. Everyone is invited.

News Updates May 3, 2022

Gospel Music News Updates May 3rd, 2022

CD Distribution has started! We have just completed the first Gospel Music Audio CD Master from our live concert in February 2022. This is THE ENTIRE concert, music, laughs, boo-boo’s etc all included. Exceptional music with The Victorious Trio, Silas Eisenback AND The Noblemen.

These are just the first of many sets that we hand out to anyone. Do you want to make someone’s day? You can order (up to 2 at a time) for just the cost of shipping. Yes, we really don’t charge for the CD’s! Check them out here!

Congratulations are in order to Chloe Cheppard (Garry Sheppard’s daughter) on her marriage in April. Just couldn’t get Garry to come up and sing on that day!

As you may know, many who are involved with Highway 62 Jubilee also work many hours in other endeavors. Ralph has been out of state helping in Arkansas, Jeff will be heading out of country to the Phillipines for 2 weeks. I have a lot of catching up to do on post-production for the musical guests who have appeared in the show. We will NOT have a May 21st Concert. Taking a break to get everything get caught up. BACK ON JUNE 18th, with a new time of 6:30pm. Come when you can, leave when you want. PLUS! More audience Hymn Singing with everyone!
Send me some feedback on the time, if you would.

We are in process of setting up a Gospel Talent Contest in the month of November. We will be opening up entries in the following categories: Southern Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel and Country Gospel. This includes solo, duet, trio and groups. Do you know of a Gospel Artist or Groups? Let them know about this, we’ll have early sign up coming soon!

Don’t forget! Broadcasts are on every Thursday evening at 9pm (eastern), 8pm (central).

If you have NOT “Liked” our Facebook Page, do so now, and get notifications every Thursday about the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/hwy62jubilee

AND be sure to “Subscribe” to the Highway 62 Jubilee YouTube Channel. We’ll be re-broadcasting there as well. https://www.youtube.com/

News Updates March 9, 2022

News Updates March 9, 2022

Exciting News! The process has begun to incorporate as a Not-For-Profit, and registering as a 501(c)(3). Since day one, we have operated out of our own pocketbooks, and had some generous help from local businesses as well.

MORE Exciting News! We are taking all our our complete concert video and weekly edited concert broadcast video, and starting a music distribution ministry for shut-ins and local nursing home residents. Studies show and have proved that music IS a great healer for these folks. And we take the message of the Gospel in song to each and every one. This is a love ministry for us, Highway 62 Jubilee pays for all costs including distribution.

EVEN MORE Exciting News! I will be heading up to the stage/studio rooms this Friday (March 11) to help with a major move. Maxwell’s House of Music is consolidating the 2 concert rooms into one to make room for more inventory. This move puts us in the Stage Room, which has upgraded digital sound boards and an isolated sound booth. What does this mean? For our recorded streamed broadcasts, much better quality! We won’t have to be moving cameras back and forth on the day of the concerts, which gives us better control over video quality.

Why is this important? It certainly isn’t a necessity, but it allows our outreach to be better presented in these days to the outside world. The message continues to be the number one priority.

We take our Live Concert footage, and edit it down to 4 half hour (or so) videos for broadcast and streaming. Over a period of 30 days, one weeks broadcast is now reaching upwards of 800 to 1500 people. Praise God!

I’d like to encourage you to come visit us at one of the Live Concerts. This is a perfect time and day for an outing, starts early enough, and you can drive home while it is still daylight. Load up a bus or van, and come sing along to the songs you love and remember. We almost always present them on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 2:00pm (eastern). This gives you time to enjoy the afternoon. Have a meal before, or after. There is no charge for admission, and we also offer a free snack concession area with sodas, coffee and light snacks.

At any time, you can learn what groups are singing with us by clicking here.

Our Broadcasts are on every Thursday evening at 8pm (eastern).

If you have NOT “Liked” our Facebook Page, do so now, and get notifications every Monday about the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/hwy62jubilee

AND be sure to “Subscribe” to the Highway 62 Jubilee YouTube Channel. We’ll be re-broadcasting there as well. https://www.youtube.com/

Sept 29 2021 October News

October News!

You may not know this, but our afternoon concerts are designed to not only bring you LIVE Gospel music, but to also allow us to create video broadcast content that will reach far beyond Jeffersonville Indiana. We’d like to thank everyone for their valuable feedback over the past few months. We’ve listened. Starting on October, we will start the concerts at 2pm.

This gives you time to enjoy the afternoon. Have a meal before, or after.

At 2pm, you’ll get to hear in person, Hearts of Joy. After Hearts of Joy, we will welcome The Sinclairs, from Indianapolis. You don’t want to miss them. They are so full of life, and love. Their song and testimony will really lift you up. There will also be drawings for CD’s during the afternoon as well.

If you have NOT “Liked” our Facebook Page, do so now, and get notifications every Monday about the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/hwy62jubilee

AND be sure to “Subscribe” to the Highway 62 Jubilee YouTube Channel. We’ll be re-broadcasting there as well. https://www.youtube.com/

January 4 2022 What’s News

What’s NEW for 2022

The NEXT Live Concert will be on February 19th, 2pm (Eastern) at Maxwell’s House of Music, 1710 E 10th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana.

Before we get started with what’s happening in 2022, let’s give a huge praise for 2021 and what it brought us. We have been blessed with music from:

His Grace
Ralph Frazier
Garry Sheppard and Chloe Sheppard
The McCoy Family
The Stacy’s
Aubrey Bowlus
Blood Bought
Hearts of Faith
The Ellis Family
Remnant Praise
Battle Cry
Smith & Company
Beyond Grace
The Boyd Family
Hearts of Joy
The Sinclairs
Victorious Trio

We also gathered food goods for the ministry at WJCR Radio. Our mission has been to be a blessing to our family of Christians, be a beacon for Jesus Christ to the lost, and be active in helping others in time of need. Read more on “Our Mission” Page.

What will 2022 bring?

Highway 62 Jubilee will still have LIVE concerts. This year, they will be held on the 3rd Saturday of the Month. (But always check if a date or time changes). Always start at 2pm (Eastern).


We just added a prayer request area on the website. Highway 62 Jubilee has a HUGE family made up of people who believe in the power of prayer. When we post prayer requests, you too, can be a part of the prayer team, and keep requests lifted to the Lord. Read more about “The Prayer Room” here.

We have defined our mission and ministry in more detail. Music has been proven to be a healing element in people’s lives. Music brings back memories. Music drives our hearts to action. Music touches deep into our souls. Music makes us feel good, and it certainly can deliver a message.
Read more on the “Our Mission” page.

In 2022, we want to get more churches involved. Make more personal visits to the pastors, and leaders of the churches. Meet those who lead the senior groups, the young adults and the youth. The message Southern Gospel brings is timeless.

If you have NOT “Liked” our Facebook Page, do so now, and get notifications every Thursday about the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/hwy62jubilee

AND be sure to “Subscribe” to the Highway 62 Jubilee YouTube Channel. We’ll be re-broadcasting there as well. https://www.youtube.com/

July 25 2021 What’s News

The August Concerts

Now open seating! New Concert Times!
Matinee at 1:00pm
Evening at 4:00pm
Free Highway 62 Music CD to all who attend*
For those that reserve seats, free Highway 62 Jubilee DVD*
Sign up for the RSVP list!

We are going to be making a food run to Upton Kentucky to help WJCR feed families. Will YOU help? Bring some canned or dry goods, or farm fresh fruits and vegetables with you to the concert, we will collect them, and deliver that Tuesday to WJCR!

Yes, YOU can make a difference!

If you have NOT “Liked” our Facebook Page, do so now, and get notifications every Monday about the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/hwy62jubilee

AND be sure to “Subscribe” to the Highway 62 Jubilee YouTube Channel. We’ll be re-broadcasting there as well. https://www.youtube.com/

  • must be in attendance at the 1pm OR 4pm concert August 14th.